27 weeks

Baby Reed is a GIRL!!!

Baby Reed is a GIRL!!!
19 weeks

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Baby's First Ultrasound :-)

Had my first ultrasound on January 6th, 2011. This was such an amazing experience! We were able to make out the baby's head, arm buds, and a little leg. At first the baby wasn't moving but when I took a deep breathe, the little arm and leg buds started moving like crazy! Baby Reed is approximately 2.17cm (TINY) from crown to rump. Due date for Baby Reed's arrival was given as August 6, 2011. My friend Brigitte is also pregnant and she is two weeks behind me. Due date for Baby Christiansen (Brigitte's baby) is August 25th. I feel extremely lucky because Brigitte has been very sick, can't hardly hold down any food. Thus far, I have had a lot of stomach gases and fatigue, a little nauseous at big meals but I have figured out to just eat a lot of small things throughout the whole day. Tea is a God send and I have been drinking a lot of spearmint and peppermint teas. Reed (Michael Ryan Reed) is taking good care of me and Baby Reed. He has made me tea and he has plans to replace the carpet in our duplex because "we will have a kid crawling around there". Parents are getting ready for Baby Reed :-)

1 comment:

  1. Love your new pictures Baby Reed!! Can't wait to see more of you!! Love you already!!! Oh, and love your parents too ; )


Baby Bump

Baby Bump
Tummy at 14 weeks